Fabrice MARTINEZ, 45 years old
Founder, associate executive director of ORIZA / LA BELLEVILLOISE
President of CULTPLACE cluster (a factory of cultural living spaces, with 5 locations open to the public, 7 new locations underway, 180 employees, the capacity to host over 1,000 events per year and welcome 700,000 guests)
Write him at: f.martinez@labellevilloise.com
While a marketing student at the IUT of Créteil, he takes part in different environmental and democratic movements. He later begins working for big private companies where he specializes in creating advertising campaigns (among which Reed-Elsevier, Nike France, Canal+). In the early 2000s, he breathes new life into la Bellevilloise, with the help of his associates (Philippe Jupin and Renaud Barillet), becoming a recognized cultural entrepreneur in the process (with the public opening of La Bellevilloise in 2006, the transformation of La Rotonde place Stalingrad in 2012, of La Petite Halle de La Villette in 2013, …).
In 2014, alongside his associate Renaud Barillet, he specializes in the creation of cultural living spaces, and co-founds the Cultplace cluster. Thanks to their expertise in creating public spaces dedicated to cultural production, Cultplace was able to acquire and open new locations: Totem-Scène Nationale de Sénart (2015), Grand Marché Stalingrad on La Rotonde’s site (2017), Dock B at Pantin (2017), Poinçon-Paris (2017) in the Montrouge station of the former “Little Belt” railway … And starting in 2019: Lyon-Blandain, Brazza Bellevilloise in Bordeaux, Etoile Voltaire in Paris, 88 Ménilmontant …
New initiatives, new social and cultural practices, but also new urban layouts – to this day he continues to explore and implement innovative ideas for tomorrow’s society.